RISe – Remembering Isagani SErrano

A non-government organization providing a channel for family, friends and the many people whose lives Isagani Serrano touched globally, to keep alive his memory and legacy of pursuing “fairness in a fragile world.”

It’s been 6 years! Join us in a forum-soft launch of Isagani Serrano’s book on Reimagining Sustainability to commemorate his 6th Anniversary on 28 February 2025, 2:00-4:00PM at the Bataan Peninsula State University Abucay Campus, Bataan.

A channel to pursue the legacy of Isagani R. Serrano of fairness in a fragile world.

From Isagani R. Serrano’s “Humanity in Trouble but Hopeful” (1994)

“Citizens have placed their own perspective in the global agenda. They are exercising their public responsibility to keep the hands and feet of states and markets in the fire of reform even as they strive to better their lot on their own…..Surely humanity, though in trouble, has good reasons to be hopeful.”

“Small is beautiful. Big may be beautiful too if it is a mere aggregation, not concentration, of myriads of small. This is probably one of the most cherished values of the NGO. And it is this value that has the strongest influence on the NGO concept of a future society, strategy of change and politics.”

Isagani R. Serrano

in “Developing a Fourth Generation NGO Strategy”, 1989

Nature of RISe

RISe is a channel for family, friends and the many people whose lives Gani touched globally, to keep alive his memory and legacy of pursuing “fairness in a fragile world”. 

Donations to finance the continuing development of the RISe website and various projects and initiatives are welcome.